Week 3
Stress Reduction, Promotion of Rest
One key emotional ritual that the masters at long-term love share is a stress-reducing conversation daily. The conversation serves to support each other through the daily grind of life and experience emotional validation around your stressors.
Do not talk about relationship issues during the SRC.
Many couples do the SRC at the end of the day, during mealtime, or before bed. The ritual promotes a culture of rest, support, and validation on a consistent basis.
Weekly SOTU
Once a week, you’ll start a State of the Union conversation on the weekend to check in about your relationship.
What You’ll Need
The Stress-Reducing Conversation
The State of the Union Conversation (weekly relationship touchpoint)
Start an SRC daily, using skills from last week to seek understanding and emotionally validate.
Continue daily mindful breathing and self-care practices.